Guy Finally Cleans Particles Off Friends Toilet Bowl Using Power Of Own Pee


FOR several weeks the pooh particles on the inside of his friends toilet bowl had been refusing to budge, but yesterday evening 29-year-old Kevin Flynn finally managed to remove the stubborn stains using only the power of his own pee.

The son of two said he was ‘well chuffed’ with himself following the 98 second ordeal: “I just knew before going in there that it was going to give way. Those bits have been wrecking me buzz for ages man.”

“Meself and Johnny had a bet on with each other that who ever conquered the shit would get €10.”

The bet was waged over six weeks ago with only one condition – the pooh must be removed by the power of pee alone.

Owner of the toilet Johnny Maher told WWN today that it was a close call towards the end with one guest nearly cleaning the bowl with the toilet brush.

He said “Me mates lac Jessica was over for a session there last week and she went to use the toilet. I forgot to tell her to pee away from the crusty bits cause she wasn’t involved in the bet.”

“I heard her foostering about in there and I shouted ‘Whatcha at gurl eh?’.

“She then said she was looking for the toilet brush. Well, they must have heard me in Carrick with the shout I gave her.”

We then asked the home owner if he had any words for his friend who won the bet.

“Fair play to him. Thats all I can say really. Fair play.”

Mr. Maher paid his friend the €10 prize at a brief ceremony in the Kitchen late last night.

Kevin Flynn said he will spend the money on ten cans of Carling which he will later share with his friend.
