Conor McGregor Criticised For Only Giving Sport Sites 44 Stories Worth Of Material Today


A VAST array of Irish sports-focused web sites have criticised UFC champ Conor McGregor for his actions in the last 24 hours, which have left publications severely short of their daily McGregor story quota.

“He’s done very little you can say qualifies as ‘epic’, ‘unbelievable’ or ‘class’,” explained editor and writer of sports site Andrew Johns.

“I mean, sure, there was definitely a ‘classy gesture’ the other day, and we dragged 157 stories out of that, but we’re only at 44 stories today and no signs of anything else happening. We’re fucked,” added Johns while staring at a blank computer screen.

It is estimated Conor McGregor-related stories are worth as much as €2 billion to the Irish economy each year, and his existence has created close to 45,000 jobs in the Irish sports memes curator and copy and paste disciplines in recent years.

Elsewhere other websites have suffered similar problems, but are trying their best to fill the void with innovative content.

“We’re just posting some of Notorious’s best rants, like a McGregor’s Top 250 Insults, we can only hope this fills the gap and our readers don’t turn violent,” editor of John Andrews shared.

Andrews was alluding to an incident some 14 months ago when now defunct publication forgot to include a single Conor McGregor story in their day’s output angering die hard fans, who stormed their offices and burned them to the ground, killing 17.

If you have any Conor McGregor news, please do not hesitate in contacting these websites. Every story counts, no matter how insignificant it may seem.

UPDATE: Following several death threats received by his family from Irish sports sites, Conor McGregor dutifully injured the foot of his opponent Rafael Dos Anjos using a crowbar, generating over 100,000 new stories in the process.
