Ireland Out Of Recession After Large Red Switch Was Found ‘Tripped’ In Dail Fuse Box



THE ECONOMY is said to have returned to growth today after a Leinster house maintenance man found a ‘tripped’ red switch in the buildings fuse box late last night.

Jason Ford was working on the graveyard shift when he noticed that several plug sockets did not work when he inserted his I-Phone charger.

Mr. Ford then made his way to the west wing end of Leinster house, to source the power supply and see what the problem was.

“It must have been around eleven o’clock last night that I realised that there was a short circuit somewhere along the line ,” he told WWN. “When I opened the fusebox I noticed a large red switch blinking there. It had been tripped and a masking tape label had hand-written writing on it saying ‘Irish Economy’, in blue pen.”

The 57-year-old janitor/security guard said he flicked the switch back immediately, and thought nothing else about it until this morning.

“It wasn’t until I told the foreman what I found that I realised what I just did.” he explained. “I single handedly took Ireland back out of recession.”

Latest Central Statistic Office figures showed this morning that the economy is already up by three euros fifty cents since ‘the big switch’.

Taoiseach Enda Kenny later applauded Mr Fords find and then apologised to the Irish people for over-looking the big red blinking switch in the Leinster house fuse box.

Opposition leader Michael Martin criticised the governments find, stating it was convenient timing following yesterdays protests.

“First day back and he’s already trying to pull the wool over the sheep’s eyes.” said Mr. Martin. “Next week he’ll be handing out loaves and fishes on O’Connell street.”
