Still No Job Offers For Jobless Man Who Advertised Himself On Roof Top With Gun


A WATERFORD man who splashed out €150 on an replica Beretta handgun for a publicity stunt to find a job has still not got any job offers since the incident.

The man ‘staged’ a realistic stand-off for several hours before being arrested by Gardai shortly after 11pm.

Hundreds of potential employers gathered the streets below the apartment block to take notes and briefly analyse the man for future job opportunities.

The ‘street sketch’ depicted him standing on the edge of a building with a gun and looking at the crowd below in a threatening manner.

Onlookers claim it was one of the best shows they’ve seen in a long time: “Jaysis t’was great bai! Everyone was shouting and roaring. Some buzz  down there so it was. Yer man had us all going bai! If he doesn’t get an acting job after this then I don’t know what to say. Fair City should gobble him up. Amazing performance!” said 54-year-old block layer Martin Lyons.

But the campaign hasn’t paid off yet and the man is still in Garda custody in Ballybricken station until further notice.

A family member said that all Job offers should be posted to ‘Gun-toting man, C/O Waterford Garda station’.

They added that the man didn’t want to release his name yet because he’s worried that his home address will be overwhelmed with mail from employers.

“Following the campaign and the publicity, he has received only one interview, but that was only with local detectives late last night. Hopefully something will pop up for him. He deserves it after all that.” said a close friend.

The social welfare graduate has been out of work since returning last November from a year in Limerick prison.
