“After We Got Wayne Neutered He Stopped Gallivanting At Night” Coleen Rooney Reveals In New Doc


BRITISH WAG Coleen Rooney has revealed that Wayne Rooney immediately stopped gallivanting at night after she got him neutered and would recommend the practice to any woman who have wild cats like hers for a husband.

Revealing all in the Disney+ documentary Coleen Rooney: The Real Wagatha Story, the 37-year-old said Wayne would leave presents of dead animals on their doorstep and would spray his own urine on their wardrobe while sleepwalking after a night on the town.

“He’s the best boy now, aren’t you Waynie, yes you are, you’re the best boy,” Coleen is seen stroking Rooney’s head as it lay on her lap throughout the entire documentary, “he used to be out ’til all hours of the night, wouldn’t you Wayne? Fighting with other Toms and riding God knows what, but we soon stopped that. We made sure to nip that in the balls, didn’t we?”

Now zig-zagging through her legs as she spoke candidly about her infamous trial relating to her accusations Rebekah Vardy leaked stories to The Sun newspaper using information taken from her private Instagram account, Wayne can be heard meowing the word ‘hookers’, repeatedly.

“No, pet, no more hookers for you, now off to your litter box and do a little pooh pooh, good boy,” Coleen ordered her husband, before jovially turning to the camera, “bless, what are they like, eh?”

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