“Are You Ready To Rock!” Lunatic McGrath Air Guitars With Budget 2024 Outside Dept. Of Finance


“THAT’S just typical Michael, what’s he like at all?” Minister for Public Expenditure Pascal Donohue responded as fellow Fianna Fáil TD and Finance Minister exited their headquarters today brandishing next year’s budget while doing a really cool air guitar thing and asking the general public are they ‘ready to rock?’.

Known for his wild antics, the charismatic Minister for Finance promised some juicy Halloween treats for the nation this year before wowing the assembled press with an acapela version of Pink Floyd’s Money.

“Bow, bow bow, chow bow bam bow bam… Money! Get away. You get a good job with more pay and you’re okay,” McGrath wailed, lapping up the moment before he brings news of yet more energy credits for desperate multi-million euro profiting energy companies, “Money. Get back
I’m alright, Jack, keep your hands off of my stack!”

Finishing with a two-minute-long air guitar solo, which got weird quite fast, McGrath took a bow as reporters half-heartedly clapped his performance as he headed for his big moment in Dáil Eireann where he is expected to announce a range of tax cuts and welfare increases to try scrape back some votes ahead of next years proposed election.

“You should see him with a few sherries in him – he’s nuts!” Donohue stated, patting his colleague on the back, “this is going to be the bestest wickle budget this nation has ever ever seen… Money!”
