Booker Prize Somehow Snubs Woman’s Self-Published Erotic Daniel O’Donnell Fan Fiction


IT WAS a great day for Irish authors with Elaine Feeney, Sebastian Barry, Paul Lynch and Paul Murray who have made the longlist or this year’s Booker Prize.

However, one local Irish author has taken to Facebook to give voice to her displeasure at being overlooked by this year’s judges for her self-published work of fan fiction centred around a vampire hunting, bare-chested Daniel O’Donnell.

“It’s just hard to take when I’ve poured my heart and sole into this, took me an entire weekend to right it,” confirmed Waterford woman Paula Power, writing on a fanpage for her book which she set up herself.

Writing under the name Naomi De Plume, Power’s 160 page exploration of O’Donnell’s adventures as a sex-addicted vampire hunter drew raves reviews from her husband who has submitted the only 5-star Amazon review that wasn’t written by Power herself.

“I’m not one to judge a book by it’s cover, but all the covers of the books nominated look boring. The judges are obviously afraid of something fresh and interesting,” added Power seeming disappointed but not bitter.

“My book had a fight between a wolf, a vampire, Frankenstein and O’Donnell on top of Big Ben. What has Sebastian Barry ever done?” continued Power, now clearly very bitter.

In Power’s book, the protagonist called Paula is bitten by a vampire at a Daniel O’Donnell concert but owing to her being a direct descendant of Grainne Mhaol see is immune. However, confusingly she needs to go to Transylvania to kill Dracula, something O’Donnell vows to help her with but to remain undetected they travel in a coffin together during which time passions run high.

“Like if she’s immune why bother killing Dracula? Sex in a coffin is just not logistically possible. Then there’s a whole passage about how Majella is Satan’s alien baby and killed JFK which is plain confusing. But sure, it keeps her busy,” confirmed Power’s husband, who asked us not to quote him for this article.
