Kilkenny Now The Mayo Of Hurling


HURLING experts have expressed worry for the county of Kilkenny following its 4th successive All-Ireland final loss in a row, leading some to fear the ‘Mayo-ification’ of Kilkenny is now underway.

“It’s only a matter of days before ‘Kilkenny For Liam’ posters appear everywhere and the Pope is asked to bless a jersey,” said hurling pundit John Puckout, observing how the once invincible county is transforming into a hollow shell unable to get things over the line when it most counts.

“A deep psychological breakdown of a whole county is rare but as we’ve seen from Mayo it’s not pretty so keep Kilkenny in your prayers,” added Puckout.

The pundit confirmed that Kilkenny people have been checking for word on the health of members of the last squad to win an All-Ireland in that far-off bygone era of 2015.

“There’s 7-year-olds here who have never seen a Kilkenny victory, nevermind wildfires in Greece this is a true humanitarian crisis. I blame DJ Carey for all this,” said one Kilkenny man who is already displaying Mayo-esque behaviour and becoming obsessed by ‘the curse’.

“I wouldn’t be superstitious now but I cut a lock of hair off John Kiely yesterday and I’ve sent to a witch doctor, and he’ll grind that into a paste and once I’ve eaten it this awful curse will be lifted,” added the man.

Meanwhile, experts confirm that the only way to prevent Limerick from achieving a historic five-in-a-row next year is by bankrupting JP McManus via a NFT scam.
