“Great To See So Many Young Lads Out Walking The Beach” Donegal Resident Astounded At Sudden Spike


NORTH Donegal resident Eamon Kelly has welcomed a sudden spike in young men out walking his local beach in what he believes is down to mental health awareness, WWN reports.

“I’ve never seen so many lads in their late teens and early twenties taking advantage of the beautiful scenery here,” Kelly said as dozens of men wearing hoodies and face coverings walked up and down Tramore Beach on the outskirts of the seaside village of Dunfanaghy in Donegal earlier this morning.

“They even brough huge black picnic baskets with them and seemed really happy with themselves,” he added, as sounds of ‘fucking yes, hi’ echoed off the cliffs, “they must have been shacked up inside most of the time because many of them have the sniffles and constantly blowing their noses”.

The strange new trend began yesterday morning escalating to busloads of young lads from all over the country landing on the now popular beach.

“Yeah, mental health an’all, yeah – that’s it alrigh’,” confirmed Dublin man Leo Kent, who kindly organised today’s “retreat” and a bus from Crumlin earlier today for all his friends, “it’s like bleedin’ Lourdes here – there’s deffo something in the water, wha’?”
