Blind Prick Of A Ref Who’s Clearly Taking Bribes Complains About Abuse GAA Referees Get


A GAA referee whose family is up to their neck in all sorts of shady and shameful stuff if you believe local gossips has meekly claimed he has stepped away from refereeing due to abuse he receives and a lack of support from the GAA.

“This corrupt little shite would want to take a look in the mirror, he’s only retiring because we all know he was taking bribes. You only need look at the semi-final there last year and that last minute 45,” said one local of a game his club lost narrowly by 27 points.

“Abuse? What abuse is that inbred cunt getting? Show me one example. Slimey no-good liar, ruining our game with his antics,” confirmed one man who also added that he knows where referee Gerry Maskin lives.

Maskin, a referee of 20 years, is believed to part of a growing cohort of officials undermining the ethos of the GAA by making plainly unfair and biased decisions in games which leave supporters with no choice but to jump on the bonnet of his car as he attempts to leave after games and threaten him with violence.

“Officiating in this country is a joke, if they played the game at all themselves to a high level they’d know taking stray elbows as you try to referee a game is part and parcel of GAA. We don’t want this turning into soccer, we’ve got to protect the game,” added another GAA stalwart as he threw a brick through the window of Maskin’s house.
