RTÉ Insiders Concerned As Patrick Kielty Keeping Nordy Accent While Presenting Late Late


INSIDERS at RTÉ we can’t name because we’re bound by journalistic principles too complicated to explain here have voiced their concerns over Patrick Kielty’s decision to use his own accent when presenting the Late Late Show.

“But the suburban Dublin folk, how will they cope?” one insider put, who, like a large majority of idle RTÉ staff is more likely to struck by lightning over 40 consecutive days than be made redundant.

“There will be subtitles, right?” asked another insider, who went on to also suggest visual aides to help middle Ireland decipher Kielty’s Down accent, laden with ‘nordiness’ and strange phrases too foreign for television down south.

Already pulled up on the fact he will travel weekly from London to Dublin to host the show, insiders continued to divulge nonsensical information to the media in the hopes of creating a nice warm welcome for the nation’s next go-to moan when it comes to RTÉ salaries and grievances about the State-run station.

“Heard he’s already looking at a fancy house on Vico Road,” local dad Thomas Maher told WWN, who also brutally chastised Ryan Tubridy for the duration of his 14-year stint hosting the Late Late Show.

“I won’t be watching that bloody nonsense anyway, it will never be the same without Tubs,” he concluded.
