Mum’s Perfect Pancakes Take Sting Out Of Fact Man Is 28 And Can’t Afford Own Home


WATERFORD man Eamon Keenan is celebrating his 28th Shrove Tuesday in his parents house, and while he’d dearly love to be able to buy a home of his own, he admits there’s no way he’d be able to recreate his mam’s yummy fluffy pancakes.

Keenan is just one example of a generation that has found themselves locked out of the property market due to soaring house prices, strangled supply and stringent mortgage rules, but on the flip side he has never had to make a pancake for himself in his life.

Before setting off this morning to his perfectly good job that in any other country would allow him to afford a modest home of his own,  Keenan thanked his mum for yet another great Pancake Tuesday but added that it may be time to accept the fact that he may have to move on.

“I’m sure that the pancakes I buy in a shop will be just as good as these when I’m living in a one-bedroom flat that costs 1,800 euro a month,” said Eamon, lying to both himself and his Mam.

“And I do love my parents and lord knows, Mam’s cooking has kept me sane over the last few years. But I can’t hit 30 and still be living at home, delicious pancakes or not. It’s time to accept that home ownership is beyond me, and succumb to the rental market. Now pass the Nutella”.

Eamon’s last-ditch effort at ‘having it all’ revolves around marrying the next woman he meets to maybe have enough income to meet mortgage criteria, ideally a woman who is willing to undergo intensive pancake training from his mother.
