Irish Anti-Immigrant ‘Patriots’ Make Exception For Unvetted British Loyalist With String Of Criminal Convictions


A NUMBER of groups fanning the flames of anti-immigrant hatred have unveiled a one-time exception to their strict ‘no unvetted foreign males’ entering Ireland policies.

Despite the fact an English man planning to visit Ireland travels under several different names including Tommy Robinson, Stephen Yaxley Lennon and Giant Prick, some die hard Irish patriots are willing to give this man the benefit of the doubt.

“We’re completely against the importation of dirty criminals who are entering the country on false documents, which is why my brain hurts when I say I’m delighted Tommy is coming over to cynically whip up further anger aimed directly at vulnerable refugees,” said one man who hates ‘unvetted males’ entering Irish towns so much he’ll beg to get a selfie with the English convicted criminal.

Normally very up for standing outside buildings housing asylums seekers and screaming ‘pedophiles’ and other unsubstantiated bile, the patriots suddenly lost their tongue when it came to criticising unvetted male Robinson for his convictions for violence, financial and immigration frauds and drug possession.

“Don’t get me wrong we’re against sexual abuse of children too, why do you think we’ve deluded ourselves into thinking this is why we’re protesting? But at the same time, the fact Tommy has EDL mates that were done for child sexual abuse and he defended them, well, it’s eh like okay because they’re white,” confirmed one patriot.

“What? sorry can’t hear you?” added another patriot when asked why they were so happy to welcome Robinson, an unvetted male from a country of ‘foreign invaders’ who supported foreign soldiers, including Soldier F, in their fight against being held responsible for the killing of 14 Irish people during Bloody Sunday.
