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St John Ambulance Develop Severe Piles From Sitting On Child Abuse Report


THE BOARD of the St John Ambulance Ireland are being treated for what’s been described as the most severe case of piles ever seen in Ireland due to the fact it continues to sit on and refuses to publish an independent review of the handling of historical child sexual abuse within the organisation.

With survivor Mick Finnegan staging a silent protest outside St John Ambulance’s Leeson Street headquarters, there are fears the board will double down on its piles-inducing efforts to keep the review conducted by child law expert Dr Geoffrey Shannon from going public.

“How they can sit on those piles is a wonder, but that’s nothing compared to the wonder at how they can hide behind ‘carrying out a legal review’ as their reasoning for denying survivors the chance to see the report,” said one observer, who wouldn’t speculate on whether the board is ‘going full Catholic Church’ and trying to protect a known serial abuser who was a senior volunteer at the organisation.

Doctors treating the board have said the chronic piles have a number of easy remedies.

“The swelling would immediately go down if they took a deep breath and just published the report,” advised a doctor WWN spoke with.

“Delaying and delaying; well that would be the worst, the piles could spread and eventually rot away at their souls although on this evidence which includes stonewalling victims they failed, that may have already happened” added the doctor.

If you feel St John Ambulance Ireland needs help learning how to stand up, you can find out in your local TD agrees by contacting them HERE.
