Mother Discovers Second Website On Internet Other Than


LOCAL MOTHER Geraldine O’Hartigan has shown you’re never too old to broaden your horizons after discovering that the internet has a second website, in addition to what she had previously presumed was the only thing on the internet,

“It took them longer than I thought it would, what with the internet being a good 20 years old or so, but someone finally came up with another idea, bit disrespectful it’s not death related though,” said O’Hartigan after autocorrect on her phone led her to nutrition website

“Some of the images on there were horrendous, topless muscle men and the women were no better. Filth,” added the 68-year-old who only wanted to see if anyone she knows or doesn’t know had died.

Stating that she feels like Colombus or Magellan navigating hitherto undiscovered corners of the world, O’Hartigan shared the news of a second website with her children.

“Do you think anyone else knows about this? Who do you think we should inform, is this something the government needs to know about?” queried O’Hartigan to her children.

O’Hartigan stopped short of saying whether or not she would visit a second time but conceded that if it added obituaries she wouldn’t rule it out.
