New Footage Shows Kilmacud Crokes Had 148 Players On Pitch During Glen 45


IT’S the GAA controversy that refuses to die. Appeals and counter appeals have been filed to counter objections to counter objections, newspaper columns comparing it to apartheid South Africa have been written and ‘Dubspiracy’ is the world’s number trending topic across all social media platforms.

Those hoping the scandal would run out of steam and calls for the All-Ireland Club Final to be replayed would fade away will not want to see the new footage of that last ditch Glen 45.

“Holy shit,” remarked the head of the GAA’s Scandal Containment Unit as they laid eyes on a new never-before-seen angle of the action which clearly shows Kilmacud Crokes had not 16, not 17 but 148 players on the field.

“Look umpires miss things, refs miss things if we were to replay games over every little thing we’d never get anything done,” suggested one GAA fan, who denied being one of the 75 Crokes players bused onto the pitch unbeknownst to the referee.

“No, I was one of the lads parachuted in”.

Glen club officials have asked for their appeal to bypass the GAA central council and go straight to the Hague, even though it doesn’t have jurisdiction over the matter.

“You don’t ask a post man to investigate a murder, so it’s only fair the Hague investigates a crime against humanity,” said one Glen man, “and I say this as a neutral with no dog in the fight or any bias but those extra players should be shot.”

UPDATE: Kilmacud Crokes deny submitting an extra two appeals in their initial appeal against Glen’s appeal.
