Trump Accidentally Likes Ivanka’s 2013 Bikini Pics On Facebook Return


FORMER US President Donald Trump has angrily taken to his newly-reopened Facebook and Instagram accounts to complain about how double-tapping an image on Facebook makes it bigger, but double-tapping an image on Instagram shows that you like it.

“This is a sneaky trick from the lamestream media to con people into thinking that I went back through my daughter Ivanka’s Instagram pictures all the way to the ones when she was on holidays in Cancun and wore that super hot bikini,” fumed Trump, wasting no time getting back to business on his newly re-opened accounts.

“Okay, you kick me off Facebook and Instagram for phony reasons, then you change everything and let me back on, just to trick me into looking like I’ve just made an ass of myself. Whereas in truth I wasn’t ‘liking’ those pictures. I was trying to look more closely at them”.

Later, Trump was shown how to join the Metaverse for the first time, where he bitterly complained how the skin tone options for his avatar did not include his trademark ‘bright fucking orange’ hue.

Elsewhere, many fear that Trump’s return to Facebook could result in him leading the charge for re-election in 2024, before being assured that this won’t happen as nobody is on Facebook these days except middle-aged people sharing ‘wine mom’ memes and business pages for local taxi services.
