“I Am Ireland”: All The Ways Conor McGregor Is Ireland


IN A RECENTLY deleted tweet in which he used his 10-million follower strong Twitter account to target and mock the mental health struggles of a comedian all because he told a joke, martial artist Conor McGregor, who now fights more cases in the dock than in the ring, claimed ‘I am Ireland’.

It was the sort of outlandish remark so ridiculous you’d probably only suspect to hear it from someone who’d just received a fresh bag, however, the more we thought about it, the man most famous for assaulting an elderly man in a pub for joking about his shit whiskey is the perfect embodiment of Ireland.

In fact, who is better suited to being the personification of Ireland when you consider:

There has been a 170% increase in young people receiving treatment for cocaine use in Ireland.

The number of reported rapes in the first six months of 2022 are up by 23%. There is no figure available for sexual abuse cases in Ireland being dropped by victims afraid of the consequences brought by standing up to their abusers, who are often high profile men in positions of power.

The number of people killed on Irish roads this year has seen a 16pc spike, many of the traffic tragedies caused by speeding.

There has been a 46% increase in suicides of men under 25 in Dublin in the last five years. NOTE: unlike tweets, suicides cannot be deleted.

There are 521 children waiting over a year for mental health services in Ireland.

Conor McGregor is Ireland.
