Our Broken System Laid Bare As This TD Has To Work Multiple Jobs To Survive


QUESTIONS are being asked about what sort of society we live in, where a poor struggling TD like Kerry’s Danny Healy-Rae has to also run a plant hire company with annual profits of over €1mn just to keep his head above water.

“It’s a damning indictment of the system when Danny Healy-Rae has to work on the board of directors of a plant company during the day and as a barman in a pub he owns at night, just to subsidise his measly €105k TD salary,” said another Healy-Rae we spoke to, Cathal we think, or Paidi, or Winston, they all look the same after a while.

“And then people have the audacity to give out to him for claiming TD expenses on top of that, what do they expect the man to live on? The pub? The plant hire company? The bus hire company? The farm? What world are ye living in?”

Deputy Healy-Rae’s roles in so many jobs has lead some to question if perhaps he should be more devoted to his job as a TD first, rather than spreading himself so thinly, a notion that our spokeshealy-rae was quick to rubbish.

“You ask anyone down here in Kerry if Danny Healy-Rae misses a trick,” Sean/Brian/Fintan/Eoin/Dermot replied, adding that the people and indeed the councils of Kerry know who they can rely on if they need to hire heavy machinery, or need a road fixed, or need heavy machinery to fix a road, or need a pint after they’ve fixed the road, or indeed need to hire a bus to drive on the newly-fixed road.

“And you’ll never hear of Danny neglecting his Dáil duties either. Tell me one time he missed an opportunity to oppose same-sex marriage, or women’s rights, or deny climate change. One time, go on, I’ll wait”.

Given the situation Deputy Healy-Rae finds himself in, many in Dáil Éireann are today asking if perhaps a pay rise for all TDs is in store so that deputies wouldn’t have to double-job just to make ends meet. The motion is expected to pass, barely opposed.
