Matt Hancock Put On Ventilator In Nursing Home In Toughest I’m A Celeb Trial Yet


HE HAS soldiered through eating camel penis, drinking blended worms and being submerged underwater but former UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock is now facing his toughest bushtucker trial in I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here! to date.

Hancock has been voted by the public once again to face a trial which will involve putting him on a ventilator in a nursing home as he fights for his life.

A replica nursing home set has been built in the Australian outback and in a bid to make it an authentic rendition of early Covid outbreak Britain, the healthcare professional tasked with looking after Hancock will be too busy zipping up body bags to give him proper care while true-to-Tory rule the ex-minister will all but be abandoned.

“Best of luck Matt but I wouldn’t hold me breath,” said Ant or Dec with a trademark quip in a sneak peak clip of tonight’s episode soundtracked by an electro cover of The Police’s Every Breath You Take.

In a classic I’m A Celeb twist the ventilator will not be fitted with a steady supply of oxygen instead, Hancock will to fed his own bullshit.

If successful in this part, the task isn’t over for Hancock as in perhaps the most cruel and punishing task ever he will be left in a room with only his guilty conscience for company for upwards of 12 hours.

“I haven’t heard screams like that,” said Ant or Dec in the preview clip as Hancock was tortured by carnage his own ineptitude caused.

In other news, as if providing proof that Hancock’s decision to go on the show was a career-ending mistake the MP’s agent has had to hire extra staff to help them deal with the flood of offers from book publishers, lobbyists and 60 other reality TV shows.
