Local Man Just Can’t Empathise With Iranians Living Under Tyrannical Religious Extremism


LOCAL IRISHMAN Damien O’Fannell has failed in his admittedly brief attempt to find some commonalities between the Irish society he grew up in and the current struggles faced by Iranian people seeking to break free from religious influence, which claims its authority comes from a religious deity, on personal freedoms.

“I’ve no reference point for it myself in my own life, that sort of thing just seems so alien to me. Religious nutjobs having the ear of powerful politicians and driving policy and silencing dissent? You’ve lost me, but best of look to them Iranians all the same,” said O’Fannell, a 66-year-old Waterford local.

News of any dissenters from the status quo being locked up and subjected to violence is a world away from anything O’Fannell can directly recall of his own life, such are the stark differences.

“Ah now love that was different, your sister wasn’t locked up in a laundry for protesting religious rule, she was locked up for having consensual sex with a man – completely different,” added O’Fannell as his wife sat next to him incredulous and burning a hole in his head.

“That’s like comparing the policing and suppression of civilian freedoms at the direction of religious extremists with the Ireland of our youth, can you hear yourself? You sound daft,” O’Fannell continued, unwisely.

O’Fannell maintains that the news emanating from Iran fails to stir even a faint glimmer of recognition and he feels he will struggle to meet such oppression and suffering with anything other than a detached inability to connect.

“Well hang on now, they’ve had their internet cut? Finally, something I can relate to, been waiting on the pricks out here to deliver the fibre broadband for weeks!”
