“McIlroy May Be Number One But Does He Get VIP Access To Public Executions?” Point Out LIV Players


IT’S all well and good becoming the world number one golfer after notching up another PGA tour win but at what cost? This is the question LIV tour players are asking as Rory McIlroy ascends to the number one spot once more.

“How does he sleep at night?” queried one LIV tour golfer who can’t help but question all McIlroy has given up by not joining the LIV tour.

“You can keep your world number one status, I ain’t giving up getting to administer 100 lashes to a female adulterer of my choice, some things are just bigger than money and golf or your name next to ‘number one’,” offered head of PR disaster for LIV tour players.

“I wouldn’t trade the fruit and refreshments spread at the public hangings for all the ranking points in the world, at some point you’ve just got to hold onto your integrity and stop whoring yourself out for official ranking points on the PGA tour,” offered one LIV golfer.

Despite his superb recent form, a cloud remains over McIlroy’s status within golf over steadfast stance on merely remaining ‘very wealthy’ and not joining the LIV tour golfers in their quest to become ‘oil rich’ rich.

“Look, all credit to the guy but after the applause settle down and he leaves the course and heads home there will be that guilt gnawing away at him. When he puts the key in front door and has to look Mohammed Bin Salman in the face, will he still feel like a good dude?” queried one LIV golfer, who can at least sleep soundly at night.
