Kid Thinks He’s Great Now He’s In 6th Class


WATERFORD pre-teen Jack Kenny is doing his best to not let his status as a sixth class student go to his head, but he admits that there are times when he does feel like ‘a real big swinging mickey’ around the playground these days.

Kenny, 12, returned to St. Fidelma of The Compass Wound National School following his summer break, and began his final year as a primary student before setting off to the big bad world of secondary education.

Along the way he must face the usual homework and hard sums obstacles that every student face, but also the added challenge of getting confirmation-ready by next May; something that the youngster refuses to allow to dampen his billy-big balls spirit.

“Since I started school, there was always the threat of the bigger kids, the sixth class kid. Well whaddaya know motherflippers, I’m in sixth class now! I’m tog dog, an alpha predator!” beamed Jack, speaking exclusively to WWN on his little break.

“Now it really doesn’t seem to have helped me with the bullies who I’m in sixth class with, and indeed some of the rougher, hardier kids in 4th and 5th class are still giving me a tough time. But those 3rd class kids, yeah they look at you with a bit of respect! Let’s keep this up people, I want a full year of it!”.

Meanwhile, former 6th class kids have confirmed that their transition to being 1st years in secondary school is the educational equivalent of Omaha Beach, which coincidentally they just learned about this week.
