Conor McGregor Relieved To Learn Latest Case Is The One About The Dangerous Driving


FORMER UFC legend Conor McGregor breathed a huge sigh of relief in court yesterday after the judge read out a list of charges against him that thankfully were just motoring related.

The Notorious one was filmed walking into court in a manner that suggested he had perhaps shat his trousers in fear, only to find out that this in fact wasn’t the trial that cannot be reported about in Irish media for no reason.

McGregor responded ‘that’s grand, I thought it was the other thing’ as he was read the list of motoring charges, including two counts of dangerous driving and four pertaining to failure to produce a licence or some other such nonsense like that.

The Judge also pleaded with McGregor to consider his place in the community as a hero and role model to many young people and further reprimanded him for tapping to Diaz in their first bout as the judge had ‘500 on you to win by knockout’.

It’s believed that the former sports star also issued a stern ticking off to his legal team for not informing him that his latest appearance in court was over trivial matters and ordered that any fines or penalties be paid out of the spare change he keeps in the ashtray of his Bentley.

The 33-year-old punched the air in delight as he left the courtroom, before being issued with a new charge of ‘assaulting the atmosphere’, but later settled out of court for an undisclosed fee.
