Brennans Release New Extra Long Slice Pan


IN A BID to satisfy the needs of the average Irish family the makers of Brennans bread have teamed up with leading bread technologists to produce an extra long edition of the staple slice pan.

Coming in at aproximetly 500 slices, the extra long slice pan should cover all the bread needs of families for as many as three days.

As a result of the innovation, leading supermarkets have had to spend millions on modifying the length of their shelves, but it is a small financial inconvenience when it will result in widespread joy for customers.

“This technological leap is up there with when Sean in the bakery grabbed a knife and loaf all these years ago and said ‘watch this; I’m about to blow your mind’. Make no mistake this is the best thing since sliced bread,” one Brennan’s baker said as he and four others loaded one extra long slice pan into a delivery truck.

“This is ideal for anyone who is having the afters of a Christening in their house with 10 to 400 guests, having a birthday party for the kids, or if you’re just a little hungover and a fierce bout of hunger comes on,” explained slice pan engineer Dr. Paul Scollen.

While Brennans were happy to help their customers they regretfully informed families they are no closer to finding a way to stop whoever it is that keeps living the empty slice pan packet in the bread bin.
