Harry & Meghan Put Frogmore Cottage Up On Airbnb


IN A BID to begin generating revenue streams now they have formally left the Royal Family, Harry and Meghan, now based in Canada have decided to list their English residence of Frogmore Cottage up on popular holiday rental site Airbnb.

“It’s either this or get shift work in the local Pizza Express, but I’m not a fan of the clientele they attract to be honest,” explained Harry, as clicked boxes confirming Frogmore Cottage had wifi.

Expected to be an unfathomably popular accommodation option among Instagram influencers with £3.50 in their bank account who power pose in front of colourful doors of plush Notting Hill homes, Frogmore Cottage is available to rent out, but as stated in the listing ‘guests are required to supply their own toiletries such as shower gel and shampoo’.

“Technically, I’ve listed it as ‘West London’ just so we can justify the price. We’ve whacked a ‘cleaning fee’ on it of about £150, gotta make cash where and how we can. Camilla said she’d be happy to give the place a tidy in between rentals, which is nice of her as we don’t plan on being back much,” added Harry.

Guests are also asked to ‘refrain from sniffing the bed sheets, they are freshly cleaned and retain none of the hosts natural musk’ but are free to use the private cricket pitch, tennis courts and golf course.

Although put up online yesterday the property has already garnered one negative review with an Airbnb user by the name of ‘Kween Lizzle’ stating “one couldn’t help but be distracted by the presence of ghastly framed photographs of an odious couple who seem arrogant, like they think they’re too good for me”.
