This Is The House Varadkar Plans To Give Irish ISIS Bride


THE IRISH ISIS bride at the centre of recent media coverage is set to be offered a return to Ireland but thousands of taxpayers are aghast to learn that Leo Varadkar will personally hand her the keys to this lavish home in an extravagant ribbon cutting ceremony which will be broadcast live on RTÉ, WWN can reveal.

The 41-bedroom castle which could have housed 33,456 deserving homeless people instead, is to be used for a woman alleged to have been married to an ISIS fighter in Syria. While some have said this move could seem insensitive, others have praised the kind act.

Sources close to those speculating wildly about the free accommodation confirmed that the castle is to be given to the bride on a non permanent basis, signing it over on a short term 99-year lease with annual rent totaling a token €1.

Pictures of the interior of the castle seen by WWN detail a swimming pool, private cinema, a communications centre which has access to all of the country’s CCTV and a series of underground tunnels which connect directly to the Taoiseach’s office in Leinster House, a nearby school, and an unnamed hospital.

“The government had to pay a premium for the property given that the person’s faith had to be taken into account. This is the only castle in Ireland built with halal bricks and so it cost slightly more than other castles, upwards of €73 million,” explained an estate estate with knowledge of the sale.
