“Dinner? Fucking Amateur!” Lowry Slams Denis Naughten


IRISH independent politician Michael Lowry has today slammed former Communications Minister Denis Naughten for controversially meeting with a businessman about a lucrative government broadband contract without publicly disclosing the meetings.

Speaking with his mouth, Mr Lowry said he was disgusted at the level of amateurism shown by Naughten throughout the rural broadband controversy, where the former communications minister wined and dined David McCourt in the hopes of securing a deal.

“Dinner?” Lowry exclaimed, “you wouldn’t have heard anything like that back in my day, let me tell you. No siree. Dinner would be the last thing on my mind if I was dealing with a wealthy businessman who would have the potential to earn hundreds of millions of euros from a deal I was in charge of.

“It’s poorly executed deals like this that really taints a nation,” he added, now giving a cheeky wink to this reporter, “Christ, if I was ever caught secretly meeting with potential winning contractors like that when I was communications minister, I’d be so embarrassed with myself right now that I’d never show my face in Leinster House again.

“I’m absolutely mortified for Naughten, what a fucking amateur!”.

Mr. Lowry’s comments come after the Department of Communications released further documents detailing meetings which had not previously been disclosed between David McCourt and Mr. Naughten, one of which was arranged by the current Minister of State, Pat Breen.

“Breen should also resign; imagine secretly meeting up with a multi-millionaire like that, knowing full well the ethical and political implications involved in such a move – idiots, the pair of them,” Lowry concluded.
