Woman In First Flourishes Of Beautiful, All Encompassing Love Really Fucking Insufferable


A LOCAL Waterford woman who has fallen madly in love for the first time in her life has become so irritating, all friends and family belonging to the women have declared her ‘beyond fucking insufferable’, WWN understands.

Lauren Glannon, 25, had previously been under the impression she had been in love before, that was until she met Gary Towlan in May of this year. Since the burgeoning romance began, Glannon has described in detail the unabashed joy she now feels having finally found a companion to share her life with, which has prompted those closest to her to become utterly fed up with the way ‘she shites on and on’.

“I preferred her when she was miserable and lonely. I’m not saying I can’t stand other people being happy, but does she have to be so happy like? It’s just about the most annoying thing she’s done to me,” confirmed Glannon’s best friend Sharon Nolan, who is ‘single yes, but what has that got to do with anything?’

Glannon, newly bowled over by what a truly strong bond of love can do for a person, now regularly interacts with people in a positive manner covered in a new glow and aura that nobody can deny but everybody is absolutely sick of.

“She talks about how she loves him, how he makes her happy, how they’re planning on New York for Christmas and will move together in the shortly, have you ever heard such annoying shite in your life, like, stop smiling in my general direction you’re pissing me off,” added Glannon’s sister Rachel, who can’t wait to see what the couple are like after their first proper fight.

Greeted by yet more examples of how supportive, loving and thoughtful both Glannon and her new beau are with one another, her wider social circle has made the easy decision to slowly phase Glannon out of their group in a bid to avoid having to be directly exposed to her happiness.
