Ibrahim Halawa To Have Nice Relaxing Cup Of Tea, Read Journal.ie Comments


FOLLOWING his return to Ireland after narrowly avoiding rotting away in an Egyptian prison, Ibrahim Halawa has stated that he just wants to get back to his home with his family, catch up with his friends, eat some Tayto crisps, stick a nice pot of Barry’s tea on the boil and kick back and read all the messages of support that have been posted in the comments section of the Journal.ie over the last four years.

The now 21-year-old Halawa was released from custody earlier this month, following his arrest in 2013 and subsequent imprisonment, where he was found guilty on all counts of whatever it was he was charged with by trial of social media.

Having touched down at Dublin airport, the visibly emotional Ibrahim was unable to contain his tears long enough to speak to WWN, but we managed to get an outline of what the Dublin native intends to get up to.

“Yeah, he did a quick search for his name on Google and it returned 1,457 Journal.ie articles, each with hundreds of comments,” said a source close to the Halawa family.

“And we said Ibrahim ‘lad, you don’t need to read any of those comments’. But he insisted that when he got home and had a bit more time, he was going to get nice and comfortable with a lovely cup of tea, take a big sip out of it and then start reading what the lovely commentators on the Journal.ie have been saying. We don’t have the heart to tell him why he shouldn’t, but we’ll have towels at the ready”.

Meanwhile with Halawa now home following his ordeal, the Journal.ie has filed for insolvency.
