Dublin Girl’s Parents Will Pay For Fucking Ice Sculpture At Her 21st, Or Else


DUBLIN girl Emer Reilly has politely confirmed to her parents that if her upcoming 21st birthday party celebrations do not include a life size ice sculpture of herself, she will ‘fucking freak the fuck out’, WWN understands.

The 20-year-old full-time drain on her parents’ finances was all set to have her mundane and run of the mill 400-guest 21st ruined by the news that a 5ft 6 life size replica ice sculpture was not the sort of thing that could be ordered at short notice.

“Look, did I not make concessions,” screeched Reilly in between relaxing bouts of less aggressive shouting, “I mean I didn’t lose my shit when you said the car would be a 17-C reg. Fucking Cork like, and I just sucked it up and got on with it, but this is one step too far,” insisted the down to earth south county Dublin resident.

“How fucking hard is it to find an ice artist that can make an identical ice sculpture of me,” continued Reilly, doggedly refusing to allow her disappointment of a mother and father ruin her big day.

Despite attempts to apologise and reason with their daughter, parents Joseph and Clare have been labelled ‘a fucking disgrace’ by some of Reilly’s closest friends.

“It’s not like you asked for a fucking bronze statue, they need to cop on,” agreed Reilly’s friend Ciara, for fear of suffering her friend’s wrath if she didn’t.
