Hilarious Lad To Spend Day Asking Drenched People If It’s Raining


AS torrential rain and gale force winds sweep across the country today, one hilarious Waterford man is currently asking his ninth consecutive co-worker if it’s ‘raining out’, as they walk through the front door soaked to the skin.

Martin Hannelly, gas, arrived to McCallister & Co. by car this morning, missing the worst of the rain that looks set to persist well into the week.

Sitting nice and dry at his desk directly opposite the front door of the Dungarvan accountancy firm, Hannelly is in the perfect position to greet his drenched co-workers with a cheeky ‘what’s the weather like?’ as they enter – a joke that he describes as being ‘increasingly hilarious’.

“See, it’s clear what the weather is like, because they’re soaked to the skin,” beamed Hannelly, reportedly ‘great craic altogether’.

“You can tell it’s raining; it’s lashing against the windows, you can hear the wind howling… but what I do, right, is just ask ‘is it raining out?’, as if I don’t know, see? As if I’m not sure, or it’s not clearly apparent from their wet clothes that they have to sit in for the rest of the day. ‘Raining out?’… God, it just keeps getting funnier. You should see their faces!”

The fleeting moments of hilarity will remain Hannelly’s only contact with his co-workers throughout the day, as they tend to avoid him for some reason.
