Waterford Mother Compelled To List Off Town’s Single Men To Daughter


A LOCAL Waterford mother has begun casually dropping the names of all single men in the locality into a conversation with her daughter for some reason, WWN can reveal.

Anna Healy (68), who arranged a ‘casual coffee catch up’ with her daughter Rachel, has displayed an uncanny talent for keeping track of all the unmarried, single, recently single and not yet dead bachelors in the general Tramore area and has for no discernable reason has felt compelled to share this information.

“Do you know who I saw the other day… John Gilmartin. Single, he is, or so I hear,” Anna relayed to her daughter, interrupting a story Rachel was telling about getting a promotion at work.

“Did you ever go out with the Nolan’s youngest? Fierce big hands on him, hasn’t he. Single hands now, after the girlfriend ran off with some Dublin lad, when would you say was the last time you talked to him,” Anna ventured, this time leaning in closer to her daughter while raising her eyebrows.

Despite Rachel’s attempts at moving the subject back towards her recent news, her mother became increasingly vocal when sharing the names of the local Tinder users.

“Noel Hanley, Paul McBride, Sean O’Sullivan, Tommy Gough, that Polish lad down the shops. Rachel, are you listening to me?” Anna shouted over Rachel’s attempts to tell her mother she has just purchased her first house.

“Those are some top quality lads, Rachel, you can’t be getting promotions and buying houses for yourself for the rest of your life you know,” Anna concluded, before slipping Rachel a handy laminated printout with the names of single, Tramore-based men.
