Marine Le Pen Unveiled As The Next Fuckwit World Will Have To Pay Attention To


THE OFFICIAL ceremony marking the dawning realization that there is no escaping the fact Marine Le Pen will remain at the forefront of world news in the coming months has taken place, WWN can confirm.

“There was the slim hope that her pathetic rhetoric exposing a false sense of nationalism and ‘the good old days’ would be her undoing, but sadly we’re stuck with this fuckwit spouting shite for the foreseeable future,” European politics expert Valerie Coman confirmed at the ceremony, widely attended by journalists who really aren’t looking forward this year.

News that the far-right, anti-EU politician effectively stole €300,000 from the EU and is refusing to give it back was held out as the last hope of forcing Le Pen to resign from French politics in disgrace.

“Yeah, in the past that would have been the end of a politician, but if anything stealing is only going to get her more votes, welcome to 2017 folks,” Coman added, reluctantly cutting a red ribbon at the unveiling of the first of 10,000 incredulous opinion pieces expressing dismay at Le Pen’s growing popularity which will soon flood the world.

Le Pen joins a generous helping of internationally renowned fuckwits who occupy the front pages of newspaper and social media feeds at a dizzying frequency, and worryingly show no signs of leaving the public eye anytime soon.

“It’s wall to wall fuckwits,” observed one French citizen WWN spoke to, “even the good guys here are fuckwits though, so we’re probably stuck with having to listen to Le Pen for a few more months yet, and then the rest of the world better start paying attention,” he regrettably confirmed.
