Man In Critical Condition After Pulling The Stomach Off Himself


A COUNTY Waterford man remains in a critical but stable condition this afternoon after pulling the stomach off himself at his home.

Emergency services were called to the scene at approximately 3.45pm after a neighbour reported ‘loud moans’ emanating from the man’s home.

“I also heard several different women screaming in the apartment at the same time,” longtime neighbour Theresa Dunne recalls, “but the ambulance lads later said there was only one person in the house, Mr. Clark, and that I may have been hearing his computer as it was on when they went in”.

Dermot Clark, (45), was later rushed to University Hospital Waterford where doctors carried out an emergency procedure to reattach his stomach to its original location below the rib cage.

It is believed Mr. Dunne pulled the stomach off himself while ‘exercising’, with doctors treating the condition as a ‘rare case’.

“For one to pull the stomach off themselves in such a way is utterly bizarre,” Dr. Rashid Petal explains, “I have no idea what exercise he has been doing, but there is a lot of bruising and tenderness around the groin area, and his underpants were soiled in a milky white secretion – which I have sent off for analysis”.

Since records began, there have only been 12 instances in Ireland, where someone pulled the stomachs off themselves. Interestingly, all twelve cases were male.
