Touching Moment Father Teaches Son How To Drink Drive


WE LOVE uplifting stories here at WWN, and were thrilled when one of our readers shared a touching moment between a father and son he witnessed recently.

“I might just be a bit soppy ya know, but my dad passed away when I was young, so when I see fathers and sons bonding I get a bit misty eyed. And when I saw a dad teaching his son how to drink and drive, I’ll admit, I shed a tear,” shared regular reader of our sister site,, Ian Gobbin.

Ian had been spending some time with friends in a pub in Waterford city when he spied a father in his 30s necking back several pints before receiving an irate phone call from a person Ian presumed to be his wife.

“She was clearly giving him grief about being in the pub too long, and his son was dragging out of him, asking when they could go home,” Ian added.

It wasn’t long before the father decided to depart the pub and make the short journey home via his own car, despite the consumption of ‘just a few pints’, which experts believe can range from anywhere between 2 and 10 in number.

“His son can’t have been more than 10 so it was nice to see his old fella showing him the ropes with the car,” Ian continued.

“He probably didn’t have the first clue how to put the key in the ignition and sped off out of town onto the back roads to avoid Garda checkpoints, but if he was paying attention to his old man and took some notes he now knows every step,” Ian concluded.

Fears that the young boy may not have picked up all the tips on his first lesson were allayed by the barman who suggested the father would surely be back to repeat the routine in the next few weeks.

WOW, great heartwarming story from Ian. Make sure to tag people in the comments who can

relate to this great moment!
