Gangland Shootings Bus Tour Of Dublin To Be 18 Hours Long


AN ENTERPRISING new Dublin tourism initiative has been launched today, promising tourists the essential, 18-hour open-top bus tour around some of the sites of the city’s recent gangland murders.

Taking inspiration from “crime tourism” hotspots such as the many ‘Jack the Ripper’ walking tours in London, the ‘Known To Gardaí’ bus tour will travel all around the suburbs and inner city areas where young men have shot other young men for nothing more than powders, pills and paper over the last few years.

Although the cost for a ticket on the open-top double decker bus has been announced as ‘quite high’ for a hop-on, hop-off tour, organisers have stated that the sheer length of time it takes to get around to all the murder sites is ‘great value for money’.

“We’re going to bring people to all the most famous sites of Dublin criminal activity, all 5,895 of them and counting,” said tour organiser Damian Hanlon, speaking exclusively to WWN.

“You’ll get a chance to get off, have a look around, speak to the terrified neighbours, witness not one single guard anywhere to be seen… and who knows, you may even see a murder taking place!”

When asked if tourists would be allowed to roar and shout at people in the areas like they do on the Viking Splash tour, Hanlon stated that they were more than welcome to try, but he was not responsible for anything that happened after that.
