Local Woman Fills Bottom Of Wardrobe With ‘Presents For Next Year’


A WATERFORD woman has designated the bottom of the wardrobe in the spare room as a holding bay for ‘presents for next Christmas’, and has already begun filling it with cut-price shower gel sets and unwanted things that she received from other people, but was too shy about asking them for the receipts.

Saoirse Brennan, 27, now believes that she is ‘more or less set’ for Christmas 2107, with the gifts already earmarked for her parents, siblings, and a thing or two in case there’s a Secret Santa at work.

Stacked neatly in a heap amid an assortment of gift bags salvaged from Christmas morning as well as rolls of wrapping paper with ‘just a bit gone off the start’ of them, Dungarvan native Brennan proudly showcased her haul to WWN.

“Dove sets, scarves, perfume that I used to like but didn’t tell anyone I stopped liking so they got me a bottle of it… it’s all here,” said Saoirse, picking a ‘half-price’ sticker off of a Yankee Candle.

“I do this every year, put away gifts I bought in the sales or stuff I didn’t want for next year. It’s like a squirrel storing up nuts for hibernation, except instead of nuts, it’s body lotion and a thing for taking hard skin off the soles of your feet”.

While organising her pile, Brennan found several gifts dating back to Christmas 2015 that she admits she ‘must have forgotten about’ this year, but will make sure that doesn’t happen next Christmas.
