‘Dancing With The Stars’ To Be Renamed ‘Dancing’


FOLLOWING complaints to the advertising standards regulator in the wake of the announcement of the line-up for the upcoming RTÉ show ‘Dancing With The Stars’,  Donnybrook chiefs have agreed to re-title the show ‘Dancing’ to avoid lawsuits.

Dubbed ‘the most original programme idea RTÉ has had in years’, the re-worked version of the hit BBC show ‘Strictly Come Dancing’ will hit screens in January.

However, fans of the concept were horrified when the line-up of contestants was revealed to the media yesterday, with the promised ‘stars’ now replaced by whoever was loitering in the RTÉ canteen that day, and a few friends of the producer’s kids.

The flood of complaints from people feeling duped by the producers of the show was enough for execs in RTÉ to quickly re-name the programme in order to meet the January air-date.

“Who the fuck are these no-marks?” asked one furious celebrity dance show fan.

“Seriously, it’s bad enough that we have to see these Z-listers clogging up the Late Late and the Ray D’Arcy show every other week, now we have to see them dancing for three months? Not happening”.

RTÉ confirmed that attempts were made to get actual famous people for the show, but in the end it was just handier to give out places to the people they go drinking with at the weekend.
