Could You Just Fucking Not, Women Tell Men


“NOT today, please,” women confirmed in unison as they pleaded with men to ‘just fucking not, for once’.

While the details are scant, it is believed men know full well what the female portion of the planet were alluding to when they asked men to ‘just fucking not’.

The request was uttered at a low key press conference earlier today as women gathered to roll their eyes in anticipation of protestations from men who were likely to debate the point.

“Seriously, could you just fucking, like, you know – not for once,” came the plea from one women at the podium as one man in the crowd attempted to speak up and presumably explain himself.

“For today. Just one today, let’s not, yeah,” another man in the sparse crowd uttered, seemingly trying to engage fellow members of his sex.

However, this drew considerable ire from several women in attendance.

“See, no, wait. This is what we’re saying. Could. You. Just. Fucking. Not.” concluded the women, in a vague manner.

At the time of this article’s writing men have yet to issue an official response, but experts in cross gender discourse believed that men would fail to heed the request.
