GOOD NEWS! J1 Visa Extension Means Irish Students Can Still Get Pissed In The US


GOOD news stories are sadly few and far between in 2016 so it’s always nice when WWN can report on something positive as is the case following the Irish government’s news that they have extended the life of the J1 visa program for another 3 years.

The agreement with the US government means that countless Irish students will be able to share the experiences of previous generations by drinking for 3 months straight while in the gold old US of A pretending to be ‘learning or some shite’.

“Wow, that’s great news, great for future J1 students,” explained former J1 visa holder 33-year-old Eoin Dungan, “like me they can hammer their liver for three months while tearing up Vegas and then bullshit in a job interview down the line that it was a ‘character building experience’. You’d hate to see that opportunity go by the wayside”.

While the government has claimed a minor education victory in securing the short term future of the J1 visa program, they confirmed 3rd level institutions here at home would continue to be allowed ‘go to shit’ until they can find a way to force a student loan system in place.

“God, a student loan system could provide J1 students with a near endless supply of drinking money! I was born in the wrong generation, the lucky bastards,” confirmed another former J1 visa users Victoria O’Neill, who has fond memories of pretending her job in a local bar in California was instrumental in her future career as a dentist.
