“I’ve Always Been An Admirer Of Donald Trump” – Taoiseach


TAOISEACH Enda Kenny has congratulated US president-elect Donald Trump, after he beat Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton in a dramatic election count result this morning.

Mr. Kenny said the people of the United States have made a very clear choice and that he always knew Trump would win the presidency, stating he looks forward to meeting him soon.

“I’ve always been an admirer of Donald Trump,” Mr. Kenny opened up, scratching his nose, “Such a lovely man and a deserving president. I was rooting for him from the very beginning of this campaign, and I hope to meet him and his beautiful first lady very soon”.

However, sources in Leinster House confirmed that an emergency Government meeting was called early this morning in a bid to decide who goes to the US for St. Patrick’s Day 2017.

“The Taoiseach requested a box of straws and a scissors,” one insider said, “I think Leo Varadkar picked the short straw and may have to meet Mr. Trump with a bowl of Shamrock in the White House next year”.

Asked about his comments about Mr. Trump being ‘racist and sexist’ earlier this year, the Taoiseach claimed he was only messing at the time and that he was only poking fun at the future president of the United States.

“Donald will know I was only blaggarding with him,” Kenny stated, “we’re always messing and joking like that in politics. I look forward to playing a round of golf with him in Clare,” adding, “I’m more concerned about making the Irish recovery great again”.
