One Simple Trick To Beat Your 10AM Sugar Crash!


DO you find yourself slumping at 10 in the morning, lethargic and unable to continue with your day? That’s the perils of starting your morning with a sugary breakfast!

Studies have shown that people who eat high-in-sugar cereals, pastries, or pancakes and syrup suffer what is known as a “sugar crash”, when the short-term energy of their sweets burns off and they’re left hungrier than they woke up.

So how does one beat this sugar crash? By employing one simple trick!


It’s the best way to boost your energy, mental focus and productivity back up to the levels it was at ten minutes ago.

A Mars bar, a can of coke, coffee and biscuits, a muffin… whatever it takes, just chomp on something nice and it’ll carry you through until lunchtime at least.

“I had been advised to eat a more substantial, wholesome breakfast to feel fuller and more energetic throughout the day, ” said Eunice O’Shea, a housewife who doctors hate because she discovered this one simple trick.

“But the secret is, you don’t need porridge, you just need a bigger bowl of coco-pops. You don’t need fruit, you need a pain-au-chocolat. The answer is right there in front of you! Get stuck in!”.

Next week, find out our one simple trick to getting around the house after diabetes robs you of a foot.
