487 Deaths Resulting From That Thing Ireland Doesn’t Talk About


ACCORDING to the latest available figures from the Central Statistics Office a total of 487 people died as a result of that thing Ireland doesn’t talk about in 2013.

The deaths continue on from a trend started in 2007 which has seen the numbers of people dying from that thing we don’t talk about increase.

While a number of factors have been attributed to the rise, concerns have been raised about the prevalence of that thing among the youth of Ireland.

“It’s troubling, and I want with every fibre in my body for something to be done about it, but look if it’s alright, I’d prefer you didn’t bring it up at all,” spokesperson for the Irish Commission On Things We Don’t Talk About Suzanne O’Gorran told WWN.

The government also stressed its reluctance to talk about the thing, but is said to be relieved the statistics have come close to levelling off.

“That is a relief as we can now look into how to continue to do nothing about it, if we get this right, we could even cut funding a bit,” a government spokesperson shared with WWN. The government confirmed it was available to talk about the recovery, road safety campaigns and sugar tax.

Many members of the public have admitted to being aware of someone they know doing that thing, but owing to the troubling nature of talking openly about something in Ireland, they remain reluctant to speak.

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