Rail Commuters Refuse To Allow Bus Strike Migrants On Train


THERE were harrowing scenes at train stations across the capital this morning, as distressed victims of the ongoing Dublin Bus strike attempted to board commuter and DART services only to be turned away by regular train passengers.

Thousands of bus refugees were forced to abandon their normal travel plans for the third time in two weeks, as a bitter industrial action by bus staff continued to cause commuter chaos for those innocent souls swept up in the conflict.

Men, women and schoolchildren turned to trains and Luas services in a desperate bid to get to school or work, only to be met with hostility from people who use these services on an everyday basis. In some cases, violent scenes were witnessed as ugly transportphobia reared its head.

“Go back to your fucking buses, we don’t want you here”, one train commuter was heard yelling at a frightened woman who was trying to board the 8.12am to Pearse.

“Our trains are crowded enough as it is, we don’t have room for you lot. You’re just leeching off our services, contributing nothing except making life hard for people who use the train every day. I’d love to see your reaction if we tried to get on your bus, I really would”.

Reports have also surfaced that some bus migrants have no other choice than to make the journey to work by taxi, in some cases paying huge amounts of money to make a perilous trip through inner city traffic with no guarantee that they will make it to their destination.
