Irish Man Reported To Be Making A Bomb In The Middle East


REPORTS are coming in that an Irish man currently living in Dubai has been making a bomb since moving there two years ago.

Sean Murphy, originally from Dundalk, moved to Dubai in 2014 with his wife Sharon and their two children.

Intelligence reports leaked by Sean’s father Eamon have revealed that his 33-year-old son, operating as a civil engineer, has managed to infiltrate a chain of developments and is currently making “an absolute bomb”.

“He’s going to stay over there until he’s ready to come home, ” said Mr. Murphy, senior, when asked about his son’s activities.

“People can go over to the Middle East and make a bomb… You can’t do that here. There was a time that there were lads like Sean in Ireland making a pure bomb, but all that is over now. If you want to make a bomb, you have to go overseas, and the Middle East is the place to be. Not just Dubai either. There’s another lad from round here making a killing in Saudi Arabia”.

Locals in the Dundalk area will monitor the situation in the coming months, with most hoping that the whole thing blows up in Murphy’s face.
