Brexit Vote May Pave Way For Clarkson To Rejoin Top Gear


PETROLHEADS rejoice; last week’s decision by Britain to leave the EU may have opened up an opportunity for outspoken king of the road Jeremy Clarkson to return to his job as presenter of the long-running car show, Top gear.

Clarkson was ousted from his post as Top Gear head honcho after an incident in which he assaulted one of the show’s producers in a racism-laced rant about ‘the lazy Irish’.

With this behaviour deemed unacceptable, Clarkson was sacked by the BBC and replaced by a more diverse team of presenters, ranging from Chris Evans to Matt le Blanc and Eddie Jordan.

However, with good old-fashioned xenophobia and racism back in vogue following the Brexit referendum, the time is right for Clarkson and his team of Richard Hammond and the other guy to make a return to our screens.

“Britain voted leave, so it’s quite alright to yell racist things whenever we want,” said one ‘leave’ voter, while spray-painting ‘PAKIS GO HOME’ on the outside of a corner shop.

“Now that we’ve been given a voice by the likes of Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage, we can say the things we’ve been wanting to say for years. England for the English. Rights for whites. Fuck off home, you Muslim scum. Go get me a sandwich you lazy Irish cunt. Clarkson will fit right in”.

Unfortunately for Top Gear fans, the Brexit vote has left it much harder for the Top Gear team to travel throughout Europe, which could mean a reduction in the shows popular cross-Europe races.
