Mother Dressing Children Like She Wants Them To Be Bullied


A WATERFORD mother is dressing her two children in such outlandish and ill-advised outfits it is almost like she wants her children to be bullied, it has been alleged.

Cora Jeffries, mother to Sean (5) and Aine (4), has been making waves in her local community after choosing some bold and frankly ridiculous fashion choices when dressing her children.

“I can’t tell if she’s really into fashion, or she just hates her kids so much she’s devising the perfect way for them to get it ripped out of them by their friends,” neighbour Keith Agnew shared with WWN.

“And it’s not like you can just ask her, is it? Sorry love, but what’s with the denim jumpsuit that’s also got neon knee and elbow pads?” Agnew added.

Cora’s decision to treat every day like it’s London fashion week for kids, has been met with derision from most of the local community.

“Look at him there, he’s 5 and she’s stuck a leather jacket on him and a big fuck off Pharrell hat. She’s lost the plot,” added fellow mother and part time fashionista Angela Gogan.

It is not yet known if indeed Cora’s children have been subjected to any gentle chiding from their peers, however it is all but guaranteed to happen once everyone catches sight of Aine in her latest outfit made entirely from car tyres.
