Founders Of Admit To Raising House Prices ‘For The Craic’


THE owners of Ireland’s largest property website,, have admitted today to hiking national house prices just for the craic.

Brothers Eamonn and Brian Fallon told WWN today that they were absolutely sick and tired of the sluggish market and decided to gradually increase house prices on their website over the last couple of years.

“We thought it was about time someone did something about the whole property thing,” said Brian Fallon, who also owns numerous other property websites in Ireland. “Since we were in the position to do so, we just started raising prices on the site for the craic.”

The average monthly rent across the State is now €1,006 – an eight-year high.

Dublin rents were up almost 9pc in the past year, and are now above their previous high, which occurred in 2008.

“All in all, it seems to be going well.” said Eamon Fallon. “Someone had to do something and I’m just glad we could contribute to the local economy. Myself and Brian spent ages trying to think how we could spice things up a bit. The answer was right in front of us all along –  just raise the prices!”

At the same time, house prices outside Dublin have also followed suit and jumped for the first time since the crash.

The highest rate of inflation countrywide was in Cork city, where rents rose by a staggering 16pc in the past year.

“Those culchies are like sheep – they’d follow you over a cliff if you told them to.” added Fallon.

Currently the average house price in Dublin now stands at 255,000 euro and expected to be double that price by this time next year.
