Heartbreak For Woman As Facebook Tribute To Prince Only Gets 7 Likes


A DUBLIN woman is struggling to come to terms with the shocking death of her Facebook tribute to the late musical genius Prince, which only received 7 likes since she posted it last night.

Gwen Kennedy, 37, wrote nearly 100 words in all-caps about the purple-clad star, who passed away in his home yesterday aged just 57.

Despite adding 9 different hashtags which varied from RIPPRINCE to PRINCERIP, the status did not get as much traffic as Kennedy had hoped, leaving her stunned and emotional this morning.

“I couldn’t believe it when I woke up and saw my Facebook” said Kennedy, who poured her heart into her status about how she thought Price was a total ledge.

“Some things, you just don’t see coming. Prince was such a big part of so many people’s lives, I just never thought that a Facebook status about his death would get so little attention from the people on my friends list. I even included a picture of Prince and everything… I just can’t believe he’s gone, and I didn’t even get a comment asking if I was ok”.

Prince is the latest in a string of celebrity deaths that Kennedy posted about on Facebook since January, and the Dublin native is hoping that the next person to die will at least get her a tear-face emoji posted under her inevitable FB status.
